Technology- Software & Hardware.
-The QR code generator is an example of a software that was used in the procwess of the self guided smart phone tours. You needed to download the QR code reader to be able to access the software that would inable u to take a photo of the code, which would redirect you to a site that would self guide you around the school.
-Another example of a software that was used in the process of the self guided smart phone tour was the making and production of the website. Students had to create a site using google sites where they were able to edit and upload photos for the tour.
-The teacher also used a site that allowed him to compress all the photos.
- The camera that was used to take the photos
- The smart phone that was used to trail the QR codes.
- The computer that was used to create the QR codes and google site.
- Pre download of the Qr scanner app.
- The size of the photos
- Speed of the internet on both computer and phones.
- The direction of the QR codes
Your role in the gorup
- creating half the google sites
- collecting and grouping the photos in order
Probelms you encountered and solution you created
-p= slow internet s= doing it in own time at home
-p= lack of time s= doing it in you own time
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