Monday, May 21, 2012


Today We started our assignment. I learnt the basics of Html, htm and webdesigning. I was able to put in a login in code on my home page of my webpage and was able to login and that linked me to the 2nd page. The secound page ( as seen below) is just a simple title and a backround.

At the moment this is on the basic layout which i have yet to plan.

Frount Page

Test Yourself


Sunday, May 20, 2012

How do we know which is appropriate in a particular circumstance, for example how would you greet a;

·         Casual acquaintance : Hi

·         Your best friend: Hey there :)

·         Your Grandma: Hi, Hru

·         An old friend you have not seen for a long time: I havent seen you in ages , HRU?

In some ways computer systems are the same, communication between them relies upon agreed methods. These methods are called communication protocols.

The list below has some of the protocols that we have discussed before. Give an example of where they would be used.

·         TCP/IP-

·         http-

·         simple mail transfer protocol (smtp) - sending an email to another person via the internet

·         file transfer protocol  (FTP)- sending of files to another person via the internet.

·         html-

·         xml-

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Internet Addresses

Scan through the following links to assist you in answering the following questions.

1.    What is a URL?
  • The protocol ("http")
  • The server name ("")
  • The file name ("web-server.htm")

  • 2.    What is an IP address and how is it related to a URL?
    IP stands for Internet protocol, and these addresses are 32-bit numbers.  It relates to internet beacuse of HTTP componant of the URL.

    3.    Given our school website's URL is, what is our domain name and what protocol do you need to use to access the site?

    Mcauley domain

    4.    In the context of an IP address, what is an octet?

    1. Define the term - Protocol
    The established code of procedure or behavior in any group, organization, or situation.

    1. What are the following protocols used for?

    TCP/IP provides end-to-end connectivity specifying how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination 

    http -
    Hypertext Transfer (or Transport) Protocol, the data transfer protocol used on the World Wide Web.

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail

    pop - a point of presence (PoP) is an artificial demarcation point or interface point between communications entities

    FTP- File transfer protocol, a standard for the exchange of program and data files across a network.

    1. What does GUI stand for? What was used before GUI?
    Graphical user interface. GUI lets you interact with your computer using pictures and symbols, rather than having to memorize many complicated commands and type them precisely

    1. There are two methods of data transmission – serial and parallel. Explain the difference between them.
    Components connected in series are connected along a single path, so the same current flows through all of the components. Components connected in parallel are connected so the same voltage is applied to each component.

    1. Define the term “URL”. Explain the components that make up the url.
    Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page. An address.

    1. In the context of data transmission, what is “error detection”?
    corrects and detects errors.

    1. Why would error detection be important for the internet
    connection between codes

    1. Name and explain one common method of error detection.
    not connected

    1. What is HTML and explain why it is important
    Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink

    History of the internet


    Some issues we will look at

    • How did the internet originate?
    The origin of the internet can be reached as far back as the late 1960s. It was commissioned by the United states governement in collaboration with pricate and commercial interest to build a computer network.  The ancestor of the Internet was the ARPANET, a project funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) in 1969.

    • Who were the people most responsible for creating it?
    ARPANET, science of america and world wide universities.  The project was funded by the us department of defence.
    • What system immediately preceded the internet? What was its purpose?
    The Internet was created as a project in 1958 by the United States Government ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) to network computers in order to gain a technological, and potentially a military advantage over the Soviets in the middle of the cold war.

    • What is an IP packet? What is it comprised of?
    An Ip packet is a small black of data that is sent independent. Internet protocol, the method by which information is sent between any two computers on the Internet.
    • What does TCP stand for? How does TCP deal with lost IP packets?
    Transmission control protocol: a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device to another;
    • Why do computer people like everything in letters?
    Technology- Software & Hardware.


    -The QR code generator is an example of a software that was used in the procwess of the self guided smart phone tours. You needed to download the QR code reader to be able to access the software that would inable u to take a photo of the code, which would redirect you to a site that would self guide you around the school.

    -Another example of a software that was used in the process of the self guided smart phone tour was the making and production of the website. Students had to create a site using google sites where they were able to edit and upload photos for the tour.

    -The teacher also used a site that allowed him to compress all the photos.


    - The camera that was used to take the photos
    - The smart phone that was used to trail the QR codes.
    - The computer that was used to create the QR codes and google site.


    - Pre download of the Qr scanner app.
    - The size of the photos
    - Speed of the internet on both computer and phones.
    - The direction of the QR codes

    Your role in the gorup

    - creating half the google sites
    - collecting and grouping the photos in order

    Probelms you encountered and solution you created

    -p= slow internet s= doing it in own time at home
    -p= lack of time s= doing it in you own time